Wednesday, February 11, 2009

~Creative And Creativity~

What is Creative ?

From my perspective,Creative means having expertise and ability to establish a new or different work of art. Insert a creative imagination into works such as art works.

Here are some different definitions of the word creative taken from different materials.

~having the ability to create
~Imaginative or inventive
~promoting construction or creation; "creative work"
~Involving the use of skills and the imagination to produce new work of art
~Having the power to create; exerting the act of creation.
~Creating or able to create
~Having or showing imagination and artistic or intellectual inventiveness
~Stimulating the imagination and inventive powers
~Imaginatively or inventively deceptive
(References were took from internet )

There are various kinds of artworks constructed by inventive people . Some people are too intelligent. They have used only their fingers to constructed their creative artworks.

I have some of the examples. Please have a look…

A Hen(hand)

A musician

What Is Creativity

From my perception, Creativity is a psychological and social process entailing the creation of new ideas or models, creativity is energized by the process of either aware or unaware approach. An optional beginning of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something

~The state or quality of being creative.
~The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.
~The process by which one utilizes creative ability: Extensive reading stimulated his creativity.
~Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or consepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts, creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight.(References were took from internet )

I have used my own words and also gave some reference to clarify meaning of creativity.These are the references images that I gain from the net which represents creativity :-D

1 comment:

  1. superb.. perfect.. fantastic..
    really damn good.. nice n peace..
    rockin... cooooL.....
