Monday, March 2, 2009

In class exercise

Given task- students need to do a logical mind map of title “Evil Me”.

These are the negative characters of me. I had used these points to do a logical mind mapping.

~~~Evil Me~~~
Poor time management-

~Waste time

* by relaxing
* By bathing
* Playing computer games
* Chatting
* Sleeping

~Never follow personal time table.
~Do works at last minute.


*Not friendly
*Wont mix around


~Poor in communication

*won’t mix around
~Less communicate with newly known or unknown people.


*Disagreement with siblings.
~Scary cat


*nervous when exam time

~Not responsible

* sleeps a lot
*slow motion

~Cheats by people

I have done mind mapping (my evil elements of me) using Photoshop.

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