Mind refers to the aspects of intelligence and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought , observation , memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all of the brain's conscious and unconscious cognitive processes
A map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic illustration highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as things, section, and premise biology and neuroscience
Mind mapping
Generating ideas and brainstorming to stimulate our mind and thoughts to create interest
A tool that allow you to insert information.
Logical mind mapping
The study principal of valid demonstration and inference.
Logic is a branch of thinking
Suitable for gathering information
Advantages of logical mind mapping
Brief way of listing and classifying a collection of information
The relationship is between each world will help activate memories
Regulations of logical mind mapping
Topic in the middle must be dominant
Make it bold and bigger than the others
Differentiate main topic and sub topic by different colors fontsMake it attractive.
Uses of mind map
~Improves the way you take notes, and supports and enhances your creative problem solving.
~Can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject, and the way that pieces of information fit together, as well as recording the raw facts contained in normal notes.
~Encourage creative problem solving, and they hold information in a format that your mind finds easy to remember and quick to review.
~Summarizing information
~Consolidating information from different research sources
~Thinking through complex problems
~Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject.
There are some sample mind maps below~
How to Make a Mind Map
1. Take a blank piece of paper, A4 or larger
2. Use the paper in landscape orientation
3. Start in the center
4. Make a central image that represents the topic about which you are writing /thinking
use at least three colours
keep the height and width of the central image to approx. 2’’ or 5 cm (proportionately larger for bigger paper)
allow the image to create its own shape (do not use a frame)
5. The main themes around the central image are like the chapter headings of a book
print this word in CAPITALS or draw an image
place on a line of the same length
the central lines are thick, curved and organic i.e. like your arm joining your body, or the branch of a tree to the trunk
6 connect directly to the central image
7 Start to add a second level of thought. These words or images are linked to the main branch that triggered them. Remember:
lines connect are thinner
words are still printed but may be lower case
8 Add a third or fourth level of data as thoughts come to you
Use images as much as you can, instead of, or in addition to the words
Allow your thoughts to come freely, meaning you ‘jump about’ the Mind Map® as the links and associations occur to you
9. Add a new dimension to your Mind Map® . Boxes add depth around the word or image
10. Sometimes enclose branches of a Mind Map with outlines in colour
enclose the shape of the branch. Hug the shape tightly
Use different colors and styles
11. Make each Mind Map a little more:
12. Have fun!Add a little humor, exaggeration or absurdity wherever you can
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